Fall Small Group Sign Ups Begin August 27th

Impact Our Community for Christ

“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me.
I was in prison, and you visited me. I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” - Jesus
Impact is committed to reaching both our city and our world for Christ. Our local outreach strategy is simple: Show care and share hope through practical acts of service that make a lasting impact throughout our community. Impact has partnered with local organizations to support them financially and connect our people with opportunities to serve and share the love of Jesus within those organizations.
Pilgrims’ Inn is a Rock Hill 501c3 agency that provides housing, food, emergency assistance, childcare, and job readiness for the homeless or those at risk.

Many in our church family have served at Pilgrims’ Inn in various capacities such as reading to children in the pre-school program and working in the food pantry. All those choosing to serve at Pilgrim’s Inn must fill out a volunteer application and attend a volunteer training. Click below to learn more about Pilgrims’ Inn or visit their FACEBOOK page for current information and needs.
Tender Hearts is a local non-profit offering shelter, food, clothing, and a resource center to homeless women and children in crisis to help them get back on their feet. Sales from their three thrift stores are used to provide operational support for community outreach. To find out more about Tender Hearts and where to take donations, please click below.
Palmetto Women’s Center’s mission is to empower women and men to choose life and have hope for the future through Christ Jesus. They offer counseling for both fathers and mothers, resources on options, ultrasounds, courses for those who have had an abortion to help them find healing, and a mobile clinic.

The Life House  provides help and hope to homeless women in need. Their mission is to offer safe shelter, warm meals, access to laundry and shower services, fellowship, and case management. They have a 30-60-90 day plan that encourages wholeness for each woman served.
The Men’s Haven serves homeless men of York, Lancaster and Chester County. Their mission is to help break the cycle of homelessness by igniting hope, demonstrating compassion, providing encouragement, and creating opportunities. They have 27 beds and provide daily necessities, medical care, counseling, and transportation, in hopes of transitioning participants into affordable housing.
Impactful church outreach programs Rock Hill SC
Palmetto Maternity Home is a safe, Christ-centered home of hospitality where pregnant women in need will find ongoing support and empowerment in their journey toward independence. Their vision is to break the cycles of poverty, addiction, and abuse so that lives are changed, hope is restored, and hearts are transformed.
Many women hide the secret of abortion deep in their hearts and they are suffering severe consequences. They carry a great burden of shame and failure, afraid to reveal their hidden pain, and by doing so are forced to endure the long-lasting effects in isolation. Surrendering the Secret will allow women to release this burden and find freedom through ‘redemptive community’ while experiencing hope and joy, as shame and failure are replaced with beauty. If you would like more information about this ministry, click the "learn more" button. Any email or member of this group will remain anonymous.
Serve Day provides churches across the world with opportunities to serve their local communities and share the love of God through practical acts of kindness. Impact Church participates in Serve Day on the second Saturday in July. Our hope is that serving others becomes our focus throughout the year. Simple acts of selfless love can open hearts to Jesus, and together we can make a difference. More information about Serve Day opportunities will be available closer to the day of the event.